Letting Your Advocacy Evolve With You

being an advocate doesn’t always have to look like being a full time changemaker, it can also look like incorporating elements of advocacy and sustainability into any career you can imagine.

As a young advocate, it’s important to remember that your advocacy is as dynamic and flexible as you are. As you continue to learn, explore, and gain new perspectives on environmental issues, allow your advocacy to evolve alongside your own journey.

Being able to adapt and evolve your advocacy is a strength – our planet, perspectives, and platforms are constantly changing. By being flexible and reacting to what you learn about yourself and the world along the way, you are able to remain relevant and open to collaboration and new ideas.

By continuously refining your messaging, incorporating new insights, and adapting to changing circumstances, you can effectively communicate the urgency and relevance of environmental issues to different demographics and interest groups. You can also incorporate advocacy into or alongside other careers or interests – being an advocate doesn’t always have to look like being a full time changemaker, it can also look like incorporating elements of advocacy and sustainability into any career you can imagine. There are so many artists, actors, chefs, scientists, teachers, and entrepreneurs (just to name a few!) driving positive change for a sustainable future within the career they love.

Not only does this adaptability benefit the work that you’re doing, it also benefits yourself immensely. It positions your advocacy for long-term sustainability, ensuring that you remain effective and resilient in the face of evolving environmental issues. It means that your advocacy can ebb and flow with your interests and stages of life. Ultimately, this continual evolution allows you to make a lasting difference in the pursuit of a sustainable and thriving planet.